OCI LBR to frontend multiple services without ingress controller

Hari Prasad Pashikanti
1 min readSep 1, 2021

Are you using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure OKE (Oracle Kubernetes Engine) to deploy your services and want to have an ingress without using a ingress controller ?

The ingress controller would still use the LBR services of OCI but it offers the flexibility to frontend multiple services using a single lbr but with different paths. If for some reason (maybe legal or cost) you cannot use the ingress controllers, you can use the inbuilt support provided by OCI Load balancer pathroute sets.

You would need to define your services with type as NodePort, this would expose your services on the specified/allocated port on each of the nodes allocated to your node pool.

Make a note of these nodes and paths of your services and create an lbr in OCI and thus you can access all your services.

Get the reference implementation from here : https://github.com/hpashika/oke-lbr

The above creates two services using nginx container, one red and one green. Each of them return an html page in different color. Once you run the commands, you can access the both the services using single public-ip port but different path prefix.

